If you've got a dog, you know they love walks. My dogs are a prime example. If we miss our usual morning walk, they act like the world is ending, just lying around all sad.
Honestly, a walk is good for both of us. Studies show that people who walk their dogs are way more likely to get enough exercise – about 150 minutes a week of moderate activity. And, of course, active dogs are usually healthier and better behaved.
We all know getting more active would make us feel better, but it's so easy for life to get in the way. The thing is, walking is super simple and accessible. You don't need fancy equipment or a gym membership, you get to be outside enjoying the fresh air.
“Here's where your dog makes all the difference…”
Dogs are fantastic motivators, they expect their walks, and they help keep you accountable. Even when you'd rather stay on the couch, your pooch is there, tail wagging, waiting for you to say “walkies”.
Honestly, those walks are more than just exercise. They're a great time to bond with your dog and feel more connected. Plus, it's an easy way to make sure we're both getting the activity we need.
Keep reading to find out some of the top health benefits of walking with your dog.
Boost Your Focus
When you're out walking your dog, it's a great chance to focus – both for you and your pet. Take, for example, exploring a new hiking trail— you're instantly focused on keeping your dog safe. You're paying attention to where they're sniffing, making sure they don't get into anything they shouldn't.
Long walks are also perfect for focusing on training. You can practice loose-leash walking, work on commands, or introduce new tricks. It's a great time for both of you to learn and bond.
Dog Walks Are Great for Mental Health
Another great benefit of walking your dog is that it can help you feel less anxious. A study at the University of Warwick took time to study this, they had some students either watch videos of dogs or actually play with a dog, and then rate how they were feeling. While everyone felt a little less anxious afterward, the students who got to hang out with a real dog had an even bigger drop in their anxiety levels.
It makes sense right? Dogs get you outdoors, and that's where the positive effects on your brain and mental health begin. They are just great at bringing us joy, seeing how they go crazy about a walk, knowing you're making them happy - it just makes you feel better. It's like their positive energy is contagious.
Being with your pooch has a real, positive impact on your mental health, and taking them for a walk is a win-win. You get to be active, they get their exercise, and you both get a mood boost.
Walking Your Dog is Great for Your Heart Health
When your heart isn't pumping blood efficiently, you may develop some severe health conditions such as high blood pressure, heart failure, and other heart issues.
The good news is that regular exercise, like those daily walks with your dog, can make a big difference. Getting moving helps lower your blood pressure and resting heart rate, which in turn reduces your risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
Improved Sleep
Dog walks can seriously improve your sleep, which is needed as not getting enough sleep is linked to many health problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity.
You don't have to be a marathon runner to see the benefits. Just 30 minutes of light to moderate exercise – which is easy to get from a daily walk with your dog – can help you sleep deeper and more restfully.
One thing to remember, exercising too close to bedtime can actually make it harder to fall asleep. Even a light walk can temporarily raise your blood pressure, increase your body temperature, and get your nervous system all revved up, which isn't ideal when you're trying to prepare for sleep. So, stick to daytime walks with your dog, and you'll be sleeping like a baby in no time.
How Much Exercise Does Your Dog Need?
Well, it depends on their age, health, and even their breed can make a difference. Here are some general guidelines to keep in mind:
- Senior Dogs:
If your older dog is willing and able to walk, it's still a fantastic way to keep them active and healthy. Senior dogs really benefit from getting out and experiencing new sights, sounds, and smells to keep them mentally engaged. If your senior dog has arthritis, slow and frequent walks are great for them.
Always check with your vet for personalized advice, and keep an eye on your dog during walks. If you notice signs of pain or fatigue like limping, stopping, lying down, heavy panting, or struggling with curbs, it's time to call it quits.
- Puppies:
Little pups don't have the same stamina as adult dogs, and they also need more frequent potty breaks – about every 2 to 4 hours. This means you won't be doing any long marathons with your puppy, but you'll definitely be doing more short walks. If you have a small teacup breed, even a walk around the block might be too much for them.
- Adult Dogs:
If your dog is just starting with exercise or isn't in the best shape, start with a 15-minute walk. Just like with puppies, keep those walks short and positive. Pay attention to your dog’s pace, and if they're lagging behind or pulling ahead, adjust your speed.
As long as your dog is healthy, you can slowly increase the length of your walks or add a second walk each day. How often you go for walks depends on your schedule and your dog’s energy levels and personality.
Final Thoughts
Beyond all the benefits we've explored, there's just so much to love about dog walks! The simple act of caring for a pet can inspire us to take better care of ourselves, and regular walks are a great way to help your dog enjoy a healthier, longer, and happier life. Isn't that what we all hope for?
To make the most of your dog walks, it's great to have the right things on hand, like healthy natural treats to reward your pooch.
Healthy Dogma has everything you need to make those walks fantastic – all sorts of delicious, healthy walking treats your dog will adore and long-lasting chews to enjoy after walking.
Great walks start with being organized, so having your essentials ready will help make every dog walk a total joy.
👉🏻 PetMix™ Clean Ingredient Dog Food
Happy dog walking!